One-liner: “Affekta develops AI-driven educational solutions for enterprises, focusing on enhancing learning experiences.”
Company slogan: Our goal is to make learning and education an enjoyable personalized experience for everyone.
Positioning: Affekta positions itself as a provider of AI-driven educational solutions that enhance learning experiences for students and organizations.
Description: “Affect Sensitive Intelligent Tutoring System, AI for everyone”
Employees: 10
Website: Visit websiteHeadquarters: –
Ownership: Privately Held
Founded: –
Company type: AI company
Use cases: “online learning, personalized education, corporate training”
Pricing: –
Client sector: enterprise
Business model: subscription
Products: “AI courses, online learning platform”
Is API available: no
Website title: “Affekta – Learning, AI, artificial intelligence, Online learning, better learning”
Website description: “Við sérhæfum okkur í nútíma kennslulausnum með því að gera nám og menntun aðgengilega fyrir alla óháð lærdómsstíl, efnahag, menningarlegum bakgrunni og kyni.”
Youtube: –
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Crunchbase: –