One-liner: “Agrikola.AI develops AI-driven solutions for the agriculture sector, focusing on sustainable practices.”
Company slogan: Leading the way in AI-driven sustainable agriculture.
Positioning: “Focused on sustainable agriculture using AI and robotics, differentiating itself by eradicating pesticides and reducing carbon footprints.”
Description: Our Mission:
Eradicating pesticides and reducing the carbon footprint of agriculture through AI and robotics.
Our autonomous electric UGVs employ advanced sensors for real-time crop and weed management.
Utilizing big data and predictive AI models to provide actionable insights for farmers.
Employees: 3
Website: Visit websiteHeadquarters: –
Ownership: Privately Held
Founded: 2023
Company type: AI company
Use cases: “sustainable agriculture, crop management, weed management”
Pricing: –
Client sector: agriculture
Business model: subscription
Products: “autonomous electric UGVs, predictive AI models”
Is API available: no
Website title: Agrikola.AI – Sustainable Agriculture through AI & Robotics
Website description: none
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/agrikola-ai
Youtube: –
Instagram: –
Facebook: –
Twitter: –
Crunchbase: –
Email: info@agrikola.ai