One-liner: AIcademy HK provides AI and STEM education services aimed at students in primary and secondary schools.
Company slogan: Aspire to Inspire
Positioning: Focused on simplifying complex technologies for educational purposes in STEM and AI.
Description: “AIcademy is a pioneering educational institution in Hong Kong, dedicated to making advanced AI and STEAM education accessible and engaging for students of all ages. Our mission is to simplify complex innovative technologies and transform them into comprehensible knowledge, fostering interdisciplinary learning and cultivating a new generation equipped with essential STEAM and AI skills.
We believe in the power of cross-disciplinary learning, encouraging students to explore and apply their knowledge in various STEAM fields. Our educational approach emphasizes the responsible use of technology, preparing students to become conscientious tech users and creators who can contribute to sustainable development.”
Employees: 3
Website: Visit websiteHeadquarters: –
Ownership: Partnership
Founded: 2023
Company type: AI consulting
Use cases: “AI in education, STEM education”
Pricing: Custom pricing for courses
Client sector: education
Business model: subscription
Products: “AI and STEM courses, Drone programming courses”
Is API available: no
Website title: AIcademy 新一代 AI / STEM 課程
Website description: 中學 STEM 課程 – 從實驗室走進課室的中小學STEM教育,將創新科技化繁為簡,普及 AI 及 STEM 課程,培養新一代學生跨學科學習能力及STEM/AI素養,聯絡我們,探索AIcademy 新一代 AI / STEM 課程!
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