One-liner: “AICRA is a global non-profit organization that promotes robotics and automation through consulting, training, and certification programs for enterprises and educational institutions.”
Company slogan: Creating an eco-system to develop robotics and artificial intelligence technologies
Positioning: “AICRA is positioned as a global non-profit organization focused on advancing robotics and automation, providing a hub for innovation and technology solutions.”
Description: “All India Council for Robotics & Automation (AICRA) is a leading global, non-profit organization that is setting the standard for robotics and automation by helping over 35,000 worldwide members and other professionals to solve difficult technical problems, while enhancing their leadership and personal career capabilities. It aims to promote robotics, automations and other new technologies skills development by catalyzing creation of large, quality, for profit vocational institutions. AICRA provides technical support systems to institutions such as quality assurance, Information systems and train the trainer (TTT) academies either directly or through partnerships. To strengthen supplementary skill development, AICRA focuses on fostering private sector led efforts that include both non-profit and for-profit initiatives with the goal of building models that are scalable.
• Upgrade Robotics & Automation skills to international standards through significant industry involvement and develop necessary frameworks for standards, curriculum and quality assurance
• Enhance, support and coordinate private sector initiatives for skill development through appropriate engagement models; strive for significant operational and financial involvement from the private sector
• Play the role of a “market-maker” by bringing financing, particularly in sectors where market mechanisms are ineffective or missing.
• Prioritize initiatives that can have a multiplier or catalytic effect as opposed to one-off impact.
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Employees: 126
Website: Visit websiteHeadquarters: “New Delhi, Delhi”
Ownership: Nonprofit
Founded: 2014
Company type: AI consulting
Use cases: “AI in healthcare, AI in defense, AI in manufacturing, AI in agriculture, AI in smart cities”
Pricing: “Certification fees, Membership fees, Project-based pricing”
Client sector: “enterprise, MSMEs, educational institutions”
Business model: “subscription, project-based”
Products: “Professional Certification Programs, Robotics Skill Center Programs, STEM Labs, Consulting Services, Technology Solutions”
Is API available: no
Website title: All India Council For Robotics & Automation | AICRA
Website description: “AICRA, a not-for-profit organization is the apex body, setting up standards in Robotics & Automation and education industry. More Info. Call at 0888222444”
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/aicra-all-india-council-for-robotics-automation
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r_ErSZL8W9Y
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/aicraindia/?hl=en
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dialog/share?app_id=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oJygPzDj1Ms=share&display=popup
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AICRAINDIA
Crunchbase: –
Email: info@aicra.org