

One-liner: BodyPro develops an AI platform that enhances athletic performance for sports teams.

Company slogan: Ai-Driven Athletic Development Platform For Sports Organizations & Teams | Techstars Sports 24′

Positioning: Provides a tailored AI solution for sports teams to enhance coaching and athlete performance.

Description: “Maximizing your team’s performance and scaling athlete-to-personal coach experience using our AI-enabled athletic development platform.

BodyPro is dedicated to bridging the physical and mental training disparity in sports clubs by harnessing AI technology, specialized expertise, and data-centric methodologies.

Through a collaborative endeavor with esteemed athletic development coaches from elite teams (NBA, Champions League, etc.), our platform seamlessly crafts personalized sports-specific physical and mental training programs tailored for each team and athlete’s unique needs and schedule while constantly monitoring their physiological and mental status to ensure training optimization.

We maximize coaches’ & athletes’ performance, mitigate injury risks, and cultivate mental acumen by providing comprehensive emotional support off practice.

With BodyPro, every sports club can effortlessly train at the top level, manage and analyze the athletes’ performance, and enhance the engagement of the club community members in their leisure time.

Whether you’re a team with or without experienced and extended supporting coaching staff, our platform has something to offer.

Reach out today to learn how our platform can help your team succeed!”

Employees: 5

Website: Visit website

Headquarters: “Miami, FL”

Ownership: Privately Held

Founded: 2022

Company type: AI company

Use cases: “athletic performance, sports training, team management”

Pricing: Affordable and effortless solution

Client sector: sports teams

Business model: subscription

Products: “AI coach assistance, Training Editor, activity reporting”

Is API available: no

Website title: Myca AI | Unleash Your Potential with AI-Powered Productivity

Website description: none






