

One-liner: DXwand develops generative AI solutions for enterprises to enhance customer engagement and streamline operations.

Company slogan: Empowering Enterprises with Generative AI

Positioning: DXwand positions itself as a comprehensive generative AI solutions provider that enhances operational efficiency and customer engagement through a unified platform.

Description: “DXwand’s Knowledge Mining and Generative AI technology helps businesses embark below capabilities to streamline and automate their customer service conversations and unlock business insights from their knowledge. Company worked for years to build technology caters for multiple languages and dialects.
– Engage: Automate your customers conversations intuitively; leverage your existing knowledge and backend systems to surface them into intuitive conversational experience to answer customers’ specific questions, perform services and more in multiple languages over the most diverse set of channels such as call centers, social media, website, mobile app and WhatsApp for Business.
– Analyze: Get instant and accurate answers about your data, weather they are huge set of PDFs, recordings, sites or backend systems.
– Validate: Automatically validate your new built documents compliance with your policies and tap into details of why they would be none compliant. Optimize your employees time and increase their efficiency and productivity.”

Employees: 36

Website: Visit website

Headquarters: “Cheyenne, Wyoming”

Ownership: Privately Held

Founded: 2018

Company type: AI company

Use cases: “customer service automation, knowledge management, operational efficiency, multilingual engagement, compliance validation”


Client sector: enterprise

Business model: subscription

Products: “DXwand Platform (DXP), AI Mentor, Multilingual digital assistants, Chatbots”

Is API available: no

Website title: Dyad : Healthcare Operations AI

Website description: none

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/dxwand

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9LfZRX9RjqmJjPrCEGI79Q

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dxwand

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dxwandapp


Crunchbase: https://www.crunchbase.com/organization/dxwand
