One-liner: E2B develops an open-source runtime and SDK for integrating code interpretation into AI applications.

Company slogan: Code interpreting for your AI apps | Safely run AI-generated code in E2B sandbox

Positioning: “E2B positions itself as a provider of open-source solutions for integrating code interpretation into AI applications, focusing on secure execution environments.”

Description: Code interpreting for your AI apps | Safely run AI-generated code in E2B sandbox

Employees: 7

Website: Visit website

Headquarters: “San Francisco, California”

Ownership: Privately Held

Founded: 2023

Company type: AI company

Use cases: “application development, code execution”

Pricing: open-source

Client sector: “developers, enterprises”

Business model: open-source

Products: Code Interpreter SDK

Is API available: yes

Website title: “AI Data Expertise for LLM training, language engines, and AI agents”

Website description: “We create the highest quality AI datasets for LLMs and language engines,
develop AI agents, and enable agile localization services.”

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/e2b-dev




Twitter: https://twitter.com/e2b_dev

Crunchbase: https://www.crunchbase.com/organization/e2b-1c91

Email: hello@e2b.dev