

One-liner: EdgeCortix develops energy-efficient AI chips and software for enterprise clients across various industries.

Company slogan: Breaking the Barriers of Energy-efficient Edge Artificial Intelligence

Positioning: “EdgeCortix is positioned as a unique player in the AI semiconductor market, focusing on energy-efficient AI processors and software for edge applications, differentiating itself through a software-centric hardware ecosystem.”

Description: “EdgeCortix is an Edge Artificial Intelligence (AI) Platform company, pioneering the future of the connected intelligent edge. It was founded in 2019 with the radical idea of taking a software first approach, while designing an artificial intelligence specific runtime reconfigurable processor from the ground up using a technique called “hardware & software co-exploration”. Targeting advanced computer vision applications first, using proprietary hardware and software IP on existing processors like FPGAs and custom designed ASIC, the company is geared towards positively disrupting the rapidly growing AI hardware space across defense, aerospace, smart cities, industry 4.0, autonomous vehicles and robotics.”

Employees: 48

Website: Visit website

Headquarters: “Ginza, Tokyo”

Ownership: Privately Held

Founded: 2019

Company type: AI company

Use cases: “automotive, defense and security, robotics and drones, smart cities, smart manufacturing”


Client sector: enterprise

Business model: subscription

Products: “SAKURA-II, Dynamic Neural Accelerator, MERA”

Is API available: no

Website title: Edge Delta: AI Automated Observability | Edge Delta

Website description: none

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/edgecortix/

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_IMNp7IwsuZ0D9HYfgMrcA



Twitter: https://twitter.com/edgecortix

Crunchbase: https://www.crunchbase.com/organization/edgecortix

Email: info@edgecortix.com