One-liner: EduguideGPT develops an AI-powered college recommendation platform for students seeking personalized college matches.
Company slogan: Think Different about your College Journey
Positioning: A personalized college recommendation platform utilizing AI to match students with suitable colleges based on their profiles.
Description: “EduGuideGPT is an advanced Generative AI platform designed to assist students in confidently selecting their ideal colleges. Additionally, we offer a business-oriented version, EduGuideGPT with Knowledge Replica Feature, which aims to augment business capabilities and maximize potential.”
Employees: 1
Website: Visit websiteHeadquarters: –
Ownership: Public Company
Founded: 2021
Company type: AI company
Use cases: “college admissions, educational recommendations”
Pricing: “subscription, pay per usage”
Client sector: students
Business model: subscription
Products: AI-powered college recommendation engine
Is API available: no
Website title: Edumiro | AI-Powered Digital Educational Platform
Website description: AI-Powered Digital Educational Platform
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