One-liner: Elastyc develops AI-powered recruiting solutions to help enterprise clients hire efficiently and effectively.
Company slogan: AI-Powered Recruiting to Help Grow Your Company 🚀
Positioning: “Elastyc positions itself as a solution that enhances the efficiency of recruiting teams, allowing them to hire faster and more effectively compared to traditional methods.”
Description: “Elastyc is an AI-powered platform that uses smart automation to eliminate manual tasks across the recruiting workflow thereby vastly reducing the time required to make great hires. Our recruiter-in-the-loop approach powers resume review and grading, new candidate prospecting and provides daily reports to hiring managers via email and Slack.”
Employees: 2
Website: Visit websiteHeadquarters: San Francisco Bay Area
Ownership: Privately Held
Founded: 2023
Company type: AI company
Use cases: “recruiting, job matching, candidate grading, analytics in hiring”
Pricing: 100% free for job seekers
Client sector: enterprise
Business model: subscription
Products: “AI-Powered Recruiting, Applicant Grading, Daily Reports, Candidate Rediscovery, Outsource Prospects, Analytics, Candidate Tracking”
Is API available: no
Website title: “ElCoach Tech | Smart Fitness, Smart Results.”
Website description: none
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