Elemental Cognition

Elemental Cognition

One-liner: “Elemental Cognition develops AI decision-making applications for enterprises, focusing on complex reasoning and transparency.”

Company slogan: Enterprise AI for when you can’t afford to be wrong.

Positioning: “Elemental Cognition AI is positioned as a reliable solution for complex reasoning in AI applications, emphasizing transparency and accountability in decision-making.”

Description: “Elemental Cognition (EC) provides a revolutionary Generative AI platform with superior natural language understanding that powers expert problem-solving intelligence and research & discovery applications.

EC was founded in 2015 by Dr. David Ferrucci, the renowned AI researcher and inventor of IBM’s breakthrough Watson technology. EC AI transparently engages with people to understand, reason, and explain in solving complex problems.

EC technology can be used across industries and use cases. Primary targets are Healthcare / Life Science, Investment Management, Intelligence, Logistics & Scheduling, and Contact Centers.

Elemental Cognition is committed to developing responsible and transparent AI that helps solve problems and deliver expertise in a way that can be understood and trusted.

AI’s potential to perform as a human thought partner requires transparency – the reasons why are just as important as the answers themselves.

Differentiated, Breakthrough AI: EC’s approach combines different AI strategies in a novel architecture that acquires and reasons over human-readable knowledge to solve problems collaboratively and dynamically. The result is more transparent and cost-effective delivery of expert problem-solving intelligence into conversational and discovery applications.”

Employees: 28

Website: Visit website

Headquarters: “New York, NY”

Ownership: Privately Held

Founded: 2015

Company type: AI company

Use cases: “investment research, supply chain management, life sciences, higher education, travel”


Client sector: enterprise

Business model: subscription

Products: “EC Reasoning Engine, AI agent generation, Formal Knowledge Model (FKM) tools”

Is API available: yes

Website title: AI | Cloud | Edge | Digital Workspace | Security

Website description: “AI is a transformative force that innovates, creates content, generates data, and improves efficiency. Discover how to integrate AI into your current infrastructure”

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/elementalcognition




Twitter: https://twitter.com/elementalcog

Crunchbase: https://www.crunchbase.com/organization/elemental-cognition

Email: sales@ec.ai