

One-liner: “Ellexi develops data-driven AI solutions for the enterprise sector, focusing on smart factories and the content industry.”

Company slogan: AI I Deep Learning I Deep Neural Network I Anomaly Detection I Data Modelling I Network Security I Model Management

Positioning: Data-driven AI solution provider with a focus on customer-centric solutions across various industries.

Description: Ellexi is a Data Driven Artificial Intelligence solution & service provider with its expertise in SW development.

Employees: 7

Website: Visit website

Headquarters: “Seoul, Seoul”

Ownership: Privately Held

Founded: 2016

Company type: AI company

Use cases: “smart factories, content industry, AI consulting services”


Client sector: enterprise

Business model: subscription

Products: “Philo-AD, Philo-V, Philo-UB, Philo-S, Philo-SF, AI data processing, AI consulting services”

Is API available: no

Website title: Grade fruit and vegetables with high speed and consistent quality – Ellips

Website description: World-class grading technology and machinery by Ellips. Revolutionize the world of grading. Check out our grading solutions!

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/ellexi

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCg2E5L6MR-9rDviXwLVfaRQ


Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ellexicompany



Email: marketing@ellexi.com