One-liner: “EMX develops AI technology for the VFX industry, focusing on enhancing content creation through digital twin technology.”
Company slogan: Extensive Meta eXperience
Positioning: EMX positions itself as an innovator in the VFX industry by integrating AI technology with content digital twin technology to enhance content creation efficiency and realism.
Description: “EMX is a portal IP/MR company that combines top-tier domestic VFX production technology with AI (ANN/deep learning) technology to create a digital environment and assets. It is initiating a business of integrating the harmony between reality and virtuality, as well as advanced tech and content, by easily accessible extensive asset platforms.
EMX는 국내 최고 수준의 VFX 제작 기술과 AI (ANN / 딥러닝) 기술을 결합한 디지털환경 및 어셋을 창조 하는 포탈 IP / MR 기업으로,현실과 가상의 조화를 IP, 컨텐츠와 첨단 테크의 융복합 및, 손쉽게 접근이 가능한 광범위 에셋 플랫폼 비즈니스를 시작하고 있습니다.”
Employees: 6
Website: Visit websiteHeadquarters: –
Ownership: Privately Held
Founded: 2024
Company type: AI company
Use cases: “VFX production, content creation”
Pricing: not specified
Client sector: enterprise
Business model: subscription
Products: ANNX
Is API available: no
Website title: – Chat with your data !
Website description: Chat with your data ! Let our artificial intelligence search for you.
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