One-liner: Eternaview offers an interactive video recording service that allows individuals to preserve their legacies and connect with loved ones through AI-driven conversations.
Company slogan: Using AI to preserve your very human memories and stories!
Positioning: “Eternaview positions itself as a unique platform for preserving personal legacies through interactive video interviews, differentiating from traditional video recording services.”
Description: “We utilize AI to try to preserve very human stories. A Legacy Eternaview is a simple, automated interview that you can record on your webcam or camera. Then, family and friends, and hopefully future generations, can come and talk with your recorded interview. Yes, TALK!”
Employees: 1
Website: Visit websiteHeadquarters: –
Ownership: Privately Held
Founded: –
Company type: AI company
Use cases: “personal legacy preservation, interactive video interviews”
Pricing: “Refundable purchase within three months, Up to 1 hour of free guidance upon subscription”
Client sector: individuals and families
Business model: subscription
Products: Eternaview interactive video recording service
Is API available: no
Website title: Eternity- Social Connectivity Powered by AI
Website description: The autonomous social network
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