One-liner: “Motora develops AI solutions for large enterprises, focusing on equipment management and driver behavior monitoring.”

Company slogan: Soluções Inteligentes de Transporte
Inteligência Artificial e Visão Computacional para Mobilidade

Positioning: “Motora positions itself as a provider of advanced AI solutions for large enterprises, focusing on equipment management and driver behavior monitoring.”

Description: “Motora Technologies was founded in 2014 by former students from the High Performance Computing Laboratory (LCAD) at Federal University of Espírito Santo (UFES) with the purpose of bring to transportation market products for intelligent fleet management and advanced driver assistance systems.

When students at LCAD, the Motora’s founders take part in the development of an autonomous vehicle called IARA (Intelligent and Autonomous Robotic Automobile). The project started in 2012 and was founded with resources from FAPES, FINEP and CNPQ. The IARA ran more than 1400 miles until the moment.

In 2016, Motora Technologies partnered with Geocontrol S/A (Embraer Group) to create products to serve the transportation market applying computer vision and autonomous robotics in a majority of problems related to driving security and economy by analyzing drivers’​ behavior.

Criada em 2014 por ex-alunos da Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo (UFES) e do Laboratório de Computação de Alto Desempenho (LCAD), a Motora Technologies tem como objetivo trazer ao setor de transporte produtos para monitoramento inteligente de condutores e assistência de direção.

Através do LCAD, os sócios fundadores da Motora participaram do desenvolvimento do projeto do veículo autônomo IARA (Intelligent Autonomous Robotic Automobile). O veículo autônomo IARA (vídeo) teve seu desenvolvimento iniciado em 2012 (com recursos advindos da FAPES, FINEP e CNPQ) e já rodou mais de 2000km em locais controlados, como a UFES e o PROJAC na Globo.

Em 2016, a Motora Technologies iniciou uma parceria com a Geocontrol S/A (Grupo Embraer) para criar produtos voltados ao setor de transporte e mobilidade urbana, aplicando visão computacional e robótica autônoma na análise do comportamento de motoristas, nascendo assim o DriverAnalytics.

Tel: +55 (27) 3020-0839

Employees: 39

Website: Visit website

Headquarters: “Vitória , Espírito Santo”

Ownership: Partnership

Founded: 2014

Company type: AI company

Use cases: “equipment monitoring, driver behavior analysis”

Pricing: not specified

Client sector: large enterprises

Business model: not specified

Products: “SafeGuardian, DriverAnalytics”

Is API available: no

Website title: none

Website description: “Every conversation with a customer is a moment of truth. Now you can understand what happens in every interaction and start solving issues, capturing opportunities, and continually improve through AI speech analytics with Mova.AI.”






