One-liner: Navatech Group develops AI-enabled safety management software for the construction industry.
Company slogan: We bring Innovative Solutions to Business!
Positioning: Digital transformation partner focused on low tech industries
Description: “Navatech embarked on a mission to digitise high-risk industries like construction, which are traditionally slow to adopt new technologies.
Our suite of AI-driven products streamlines workplace processes and enhances data utilisation to optimise operations.
Our flagship solution, nAI, redefines health and safety management with intuitive, conversation-driven interactions that emulate chatting over a popular messaging apps.
Navatech is recognised for its innovative approach and potential. Our global footprint includes numerous successful deployments, demonstrating our capability to manage projects of any scale and complexity. With our proprietary AI technology and deep industry connections, Navatech is set to transform the construction sector.”
Employees: 16
Website: Visit websiteHeadquarters: “Abu Dhabi, UAE”
Ownership: Privately Held
Founded: –
Company type: AI company
Use cases: “construction safety, health and safety management”
Pricing: subscription
Client sector: construction industry
Business model: SaaS
Products: “Saifety.ai, Saifety WhatsApp Co-Pilot”
Is API available: no
Website title: Navier AI
Website description: none
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/navatech-ai
Youtube: –
Instagram: –
Facebook: –
Twitter: –
Crunchbase: –
Email: sales@navatech.ai