One-liner: “Neoentdx develops AI solutions for the entertainment industry, focusing on virtual influencers.”
Company slogan: 가장 빠르고 자연스러운 AI 버추얼인플루언서 제작사
Positioning: Focused on digital transformation in the entertainment industry through virtual influencers.
Description: “Be Free!”
네오엔터디엑스는 “버추얼 인플루언서를 통해 세상에 자유의 메시지를 전파하자”는 비전을 가지고 있습니다. 네오는 글로벌리 가장 빠르고 자연스러운(Fastest and most natural) AI 버추얼 인플루언서 제작 기술을 보유하여 로켓처럼 성장하고 있는 스타트업입니다. 수많은 대기업 및 메이저 엔터사들과 함께 활동하고 있는 네오엔터디엑스 버추얼 인플루언서의 동료를 기다립니다.
Employees: 1
Website: Visit websiteHeadquarters: 성남시
Ownership: Privately Held
Founded: 2018
Company type: AI company
Use cases: “entertainment, virtual influencers, digital transformation”
Pricing: Not specified
Client sector: entertainment industry
Business model: Not specified
Products: “Neo Virtual Human, Virtual influencer content planning and production”
Is API available: no
Website title: Neolithics
Website description: “NeoLumin is a leading AI and GenAI consulting firm, specializing in AI strategy, GenAI application development, coaching, training, and dynamic speaking engagements. With decades of experience, we excel at providing tailored, actionable insights that position businesses for long-term success. Our AI talks and GenAI presentations inspire and equip audiences with cutting-edge industry knowledge.”
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/%EB%84%A4%EC%98%A4%EC%97%94%ED%84%B0%EB%94%94%EC%97%91%EC%8A%A4-%EC%A3%BC%EC%8B%9D%ED%9A%8C%EC%82%AC/
Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/embed/s23cX_46zvY
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