One-liner: “NeoPTO develops AI solutions for patent searching and technology trends prediction, catering to enterprises, researchers, and legal professionals.”
Company slogan: Next Generation Patenting Approach
Positioning: “NeoPTO positions itself as a user-friendly solution for patent searching, leveraging AI to simplify and enhance the process for inventors, researchers, and legal professionals.”
Description: “We are NeoPTO. We believe that innovation should get more protection than the Law can currently provide. By introducing our Artificial Intelligence Agents, we hope to make patents accessible to everyone.”
Employees: 2
Website: Visit websiteHeadquarters: “Sao Paulo, SP”
Ownership: Partnership
Founded: 2020
Company type: AI company
Use cases: “patent searching, technology trends prediction, stakeholder intelligence and monitoring”
Pricing: “subscription, pay per usage”
Client sector: “enterprise, researchers, legal professionals”
Business model: subscription
Products: “Patent AI Agent, Supplier Analysis, Market Analysis and Forecasting Services”
Is API available: no
Website title: Neosmart | Insights • The Bridge to AI
Website description: none
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/neopto
Youtube: –
Instagram: –
Facebook: –
Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/neoptocom
Crunchbase: https://www.crunchbase.com/organization/neopto
Email: contact@neopto.com